Steven Rivera, team barber for the Miami Dolphins and several Miami Hurricane athletes, squats next to branded tires on his mobile barbershop. (John McCall / South Florida Sun Sentinel)
A discreet-looking, black Mercedes sprinter van is parked outside the mansion of Miami Dolphins’ st
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Shave gels and shaving cream have dominated the market for decades, perpetually in competition with each other. But there’s a lesser-known competitor vying to be king of the hill: shave butter. This shaving cream alternative is finally starting to give the old guys a little competition. The
Clearer understanding of the ” Premium Wet Shave Market” dynamics is provided by a detailed review of statistics regarding both present and emerging trends. Porter’s Five Forces are used in the report to examine the importance of several elements, including dangers posed by v
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(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
After weeks of conservatives claiming that the 10-year-old Ohio rape victim forced to drive to Indiana for an abortion
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Since being shared, the video has taken the internet by storm.
Unbelievable footage of a Ukrainian man shaving his beard with a rocket embedded in his kitchen is going viral on the internet. Shared on Reddit, the clip shows the man having a totally normal day, even though a piece of mili
Gary Blair has received greater honors in coaching than selection to the University of Arkansas Sports Hall of Honor, a distinction he received Wednesday.
One question I would ask is why it took so long to recognize the only UA women's basketball coach of a NCAA Final Four team.
RUTLAND — The burial place of O. Razor remains unknown, despite the town's best efforts. Bob Perry from Topographix, a New Hampshire-based company that specializes in locating graves using ground penetrating radar, brought his equipment to the lower Rutland common July 7 in an attempt to lo