Home » RESULTS » AEW Results » AEW Rampage 9/16/22 Results
Just a few days away from the conclusion of the Grand Slam Tournament of Champions, we’ve got a pretty strong looking Rampage tonight. Let’s see what on the card:
Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho, and Jim Ross are on the call tonight as we start with both men already in the ring!
Code of Honor between both men and Hardy grabs a wrist lock to start. Hardy charges Darby but Darby sidesteps and sends him to the outside. Darby looking for the bottom rope tope suicida but Hardy catches him with an elbow. Darby rolls to the outside but is able to throw Matt Hardy back-first into the steps. Matt looks to have hit his head on the steps as the referee stops to check, but Darby takes advantage and sets Hardy up on the apron. Darby goes up top and mocks the Hardys with a swanton bomb to Matt on the apron and misses! Darby lands HARD on the apron and Hardy takes advantage by powrebombing Darby into the ring post. Hardy twists Darby’s spine around the post now as the focus has shifted to the lower back. A few hard Irish whips by Hardy into the turnbuckle and Darby is down and hurting. Hardy grabs Darby’s leg and hits a sit-out powerbomb out of the corner for a two count. Darby reverses an Irish whip into a jackknife cover for two. Coffin splash by Darby in the corner but his back is hurting him. Make that two. Hardy catches Darby in the air and lands a Side Effect for a long two count. Hardy hits another Side Effect and looks for the Twist of Fate but Darby counters into a back slide for two. Brainbuster attempt by Hardy but Darby reverses into a Scorpion Death Drop for a long two count. Darby looking for the Coffin Drop but Hardy crotches him on the top rope. Sit-out Razor’s Edge by Hardy! One, two, no! Hardy goes up top but misses a moonsault and that allows Darby to hit the running Code Red for two. Darby is up… Last Supper! One, two, three!
Rating: **3/4. Perfectly acceptable wrestling match here. Darby needed a big win and Hardy didn’t overstay his welcome.
Darby and Hardy exchange pleasantries as Darby heads to the back, but the lights go out! Lights go on… here’s Brody King and Julia Hart. Hardy eats a lariat as King grabs the mic. King says that they cut the head off of the snake but there is still venom in the veins. Darby and Sting vs. House of Black next week at Grand Slam! King then chokes Hardy unconscious over the ropes.
Eddie Kingston hates Sammy Guevara and they’re fighting next week at Rampage: Grand Slam!
The AEW Golden Ticket Battle Royal will also take place apparently, and the winner of that gets a world title shot of their choosing.
Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta are joined by Tony Schiavone. Ring of Honor represents honor and excellence, but the BCC are a family. Yuta lost the ROH Pure Championship to Garcia last week, but you learn more from a loss than you do a win. Castagnoli says Dax Harwood is one of the toughest opponents he’s ever been in the ring with, but before Castanogli can continue, here’s Jericho. Jericho says he’s a seven-time world champion, but the only place he’s never been world champion is Ring of Honor. Jericho says he’s going for the Ocho, and he’s challenging Claudio for the Ring of Honor World TV title as Grand Slam.
Claudio accepts! Side note, this Grand Slam card is bananas.
Jade Cargill and the Baddies are here with Lexy Nair but they’re interrupted by Diamante, who challenges Cargill next week at Grand Slam and she’s bringing the OG baddest bitch from the 305 with her. 305 is Florida, so…
Willow uses her strength early with a pair of shoulder blocks then looks for a pair of roll-ups that get two. Willow catches Ford’s leg but gives her a clean break before a body slam and a basement diving cross body. Ford evades a pounce by Willow and hits a double dropkick to Willow back. Willow rolls to the apron but Ford comes off the top with a double jump knee drop. Ford throws Willow into the ring post on the outside before rolling her back in the ring and hitting her handspring in the corner. Ford then licks Willow’s face and I’m not sure what to say about that. Willow misses a senton and Ford gets a pair of two counts. Double arm bar by Ford as we head into break. Back from break as Willow hits a pair of splashes in the corner followed by a big boot. Spinebuster by Willow gets a two count. Ford back bridges out of a clothesline and hits a diving cutter that gets a two count. Ford goes up top but Willow avoids and delivers a huge POUNCEEEEEEE that sends Ford flying. Two count. Ford answers with a face buster of sorts and finishes with the Indian Death Lock.
Rating: **1/2. Willow is so fun and the crowd just loves her. One of the better Penelope Ford matches I’ve seen and it’s good to see her get a win. I expect to see a lot more of Willow in the future.
Duck under by Danhausen but Page levels him with a right hand and delivers some ground and pound. Page mocks Danhausen’s curse but gets paintbrushed for it. Shoulder block by Page. Ego’s Edge (but it’s more like a Pazuzu Bom than it is a Razor’s Edge… just saying).
Knuckle lock to start as Joe muscles Woods into the ropes. Hold for hold here as Joe locks in a kravat and Woods responds with a rolling elbow and now both men are trading until Joe takes advantage. Woods blocks the headbutt and responds with some knees from the clinch. Woods drops the arm through the ropes and Nese does the same behind the referees back. Hammer lock by Woods with a 3/4 nelson in the center. Woods tries to find a pin but Joe makes it to the ropes. Running back elbow from Joe but Woods picks the ankle and sits through into a top wrist lock. Joe headbutts his way out of the hold but misses a diving elbow drop as Woods sits into a straight arm bar. Woods struggles to extend the arm and that allows Joe to shove him off and look for the sleeper. Woods fights the far arm and hits a back suplex for a two count. Joe with a reverse atomic drop and a senton for a long two count. Woods targets the arm with some uppercuts to the bicep but Joe responds with a powerslam for two. Joe looking for the Muscle Buster but Smart Mark Sterling gets on the apron and distracts Joe, allowing Woods to get a cradle for two. Big knee strike by Woods. Another one gets two. Woods rushes Joe int he corner but Joe catches him with a uranage. Muscle Buster for Joe gets it done!
Winner and STILL ROH World TV Champion: Samoa Joe
Rating: ***. Another perfectly fine pro wrestling match, with Joe getting a good return win and Woods looking pretty strong in a losing effort.
Tony Nese attacks Joe after the bell and Woods joins in. THIS. IS WARDLOW. UH OH. Joe holds Sterling so Wardlow can grab him but Nese saves Sterling’s life by pulling him out of the ring. Joe and Wardlow share a look here face-to-face. Both men clink titles. Oh, and that match gets added to the eleven hundred hour long show that will be Grand Slam next week!
Final Thoughts: Nothing surprising about the show tonight in-ring wise, but it was a steppingstone to get us to Grand Slam next week. It’s nice to see Joe back, although it might take him a little while to get the rust off. Nice to see AEW is doing something with Darby and I can only hope he’s done losing for some time. AEW also added about six more matches to next week in total, so I feel like they’re really putting all of their eggs in this basket and, as a fan, it should give us some damn good wrestling. 6.5/10.
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