Bombae is a hair removal solutions brand that delivers convenient, quality & painless hair removal solutions for women. Erstwhile ‘Bombay Shaving Company Women’, Bombae has over the past year taken multiple unconventional routes to normalize & celebrate women’s body hair. And now Bombae’s FuzzOff campaign has gone a step further to normalize never-seen-before body hair imagery, and break all the (hairy) barriers when it comes to hair removal. Seeing how the brand is all about smooth skin and not-hairy-ever-after stories, it seems odd that they would create a campaign that is in-your-face about fuzzy armpits and hairy pubic regions.
With showing actual underarm and pubic hair, it aims to say #FuzzOff to societal expectations of women being hairless even while removing hair from their body. Elaborating on the thought behind the film, Siddha Jain, Chief Business Officer at Bombae shares, “For multiple decades now advertisements for wax, razors and hair removal creams have shown women shaving smooth airbrushed body parts with an ear-to-ear grin - never showing the actual hair or the actual pain that we go through in this process. Strange huh? We believe it is important to show real emotions beyond forever happy-go-lucky women and smooth skin. We believe in changing the game of how womxn’s hair removal is perceived in India, and this is a movement towards just that.
For the longest time, women have resorted to archaic and painful hair removal methods like threading and waxing for face and sensitive areas, believing that’s the only solution. We realised this gap and devised a superior offering that doesn’t make us go to war with our face every time we decide to remove hair - trimmers. Ultimately choosing the right hair removal product is really personal: we just want to say fuzz off to all the pain and drama. Something so easy to use shouldn’t be a well-kept secret.”
The film has been conceptualized by creative agency, Talented. Speaking about the idea, Aarushi Periwal, Creative at Talented said, “As opposed to what most hair removal ads for women show you, women very much have body hair and removing it is utterly painful. We don’t look graceful, and we don’t smile ear-to-ear. That’s the fact. This campaign was a chance for us to discuss and have progressive discourses on the female experience. Straight, curly, thin, or thick, this film is hair-positive. It presents hair removal as a choice, not a norm. My creative partner, Teresa Sebastian, visually brought to life that boldness isn’t always loud, sometimes it’s just honest. And Karishma Changroth, my brand strategy partner, made sure this campaign took away the burden of potential, leaving our audience with a choice to painlessly remove hair. No nicks. No cuts. No, Oh, F***s!”
The film is produced by StudioFry and directed by Devang Singh Thukral. “It’s an evocative film, and from the moment I got this project, I wanted to create a visual abruption by showing body hair as less of a prickly subject and more normalized. From the tone of the film to the pace—I’ve tried to keep the film as real, fluid, and raw as possible. At the end of the day, hair removal is a choice.”
The catchy title track is by Irfana Hameed who recently produced a track for Masaba Masaba season 2. The film starts with the PoV of a woman undergoing threading. With her eye blinks and ooh aahs, the pain is palpable. It goes on to show 2 other women in their respective bathrooms painstakingly waxing different parts of body from eyebrows to bikini line. The women in the film finally switch to the Bombae trimmers to say #FuzzOff to the pain.
The prevailing theme is trimmers are fuzzing easy and fuzzing painless and a much better alternative to threading or waxing,“No nicks, no cuts, no oh f***s”.
Harnessing the power of innovation to continuously craft expert and thoughtful hair removal solutions for women, Bombae aspires to educate women on a fairly new category of hair removal for women - trimmers - which is an absolute game-changing product for women. With no fear of cuts, nicks or ouches, the Fuzz Off trimmer only trims, without any hassles.
Conscientious & progressive, Bombae is challenging common misconceptions and beliefs about hair removal. Apropos to their out-of-the-box communiqué and expansion of product portfolio, Bombae has entered the nascent category with an assortment of product essentials in hygiene and grooming space, such as – body and face razor, body trimmer, hair removal cream, post-shave gel, menstrual cups, daily intimate washes and so much more. The products fashioned are of higher quality, backed by immense research & scientific data, and the goodness of superfoods. In addition, the products are paraben-free, cruelty-free and contain no harmful chemical compositions.
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