Eat, drink and solve crimes with fun fundraisers on tap for September: Valley Views -

2022-09-03 08:01:23 By : Ms. Nicky Ye

Local TV personality Jan Jones is pictured from a previous Murder by the Falls fundraiser. This year's event takes place Sept. 9 and 10. (Photo Courtsey of CVLT)

CHAGRIN FALLS, Ohio -- Staging live theater can be murder. Securing rights to present plays, scripts to rent, costumes, props, stage sets, lighting, directors, producers, utilities, building maintenance, promotion, personnel and more --it all costs money.

The non-profit group, Chagrin Valley Little Theatre, is holding its annual Murder by the Falls fundraiser at 6 p.m. Sept. 9 and 10 at the Main Stage theater, 40 River St. in Chagrin Falls.

Prepare to help solve “Murder, Center Stage,” an original who-done-it murder mystery play penned by local syndicated theater critic and entertainment writer Bob Ableman. The play is directed by Don Bernardo.

The evening begins with hors d’oeuvres and a cash beer and wine bar to get you into the spirit of things before Act 1 begins at 7 p.m.

At intermission, the audience will leave the building to search for clues in the windows of Main Street stores and to glean information that may -- or may not -- be reliable from actors on the street.

After dessert and deliberation with your partners in crime, participants will submit their answers and return for Act 2, when the killer will be revealed.

Prizes will be awarded to the best sleuths.

The thickened plot revolves around a fictional production of Steven Sondheim’s musical “Sweeney Todd,” during which someone swaps out a prop straight razor for the real thing, causing the murder of the lead actor.

The audience will hear from suspects and law enforcement officers in this macabre and humorous story.

The cast includes Doug Vanek, Kate Williams-Bernardo, Jan Jones, Abby Longshore, Brenda Redmond, Jim Marzullo, Jessie Pollak, Adam Young, Eric Oswald, Rob Walter, Steven Tiederman and Michael Rogan.

General admission tickets are $50. Special VIP tickets priced at $75 are available and offer perks such as a 5:30 p.m. cocktail party in the Sears River Room, with complimentary drinks and hors d’oeuvres.

All participants will receive a complimentary copy of Ableman’s novella, from which the play is adapted.

A 50/50 raffle will be held throughout the weekend, with the winner to be announced live online Sept. 12. Contact or call 440-247-8955.

Food for thought: Fieldstone Farm Therapeutic Riding Center is getting saddled up for its annual Chef’s Unbridled fundraiser Sept. 10 at Landerhaven in Mayfield Heights.

After a two-year pandemic hiatus, the dinner-tasting benefit is led by Driftwood Restaurants and Catering partners Chris Hodgson and Scott Kuhn, who are reining in a stable of other local chefs.

A tentative roster includes Matt Mytro of Flour in Moreland Hills, with authentic Italian cuisine; Brett Zubek of Sol-Cleveland and David Bartulovic of Sol-Willoughby, with Spanish and Latin American tastes; Ian Thompson of Birdigo and 56 Café, offering creativity and comfort food; and Chef David Chin of the Ramen Shop, with inspiration from his Chinese grandfather.

The benefit will include valet and food truck service, cocktails, a wine pull, a bourbon barrel raffle and live music.

Some Fieldstone Farm students and a few four-legged equine guests will add to the party atmosphere. For ticket information, contact or call 440-708-0013.

Get schooled: Cuyahoga Community College invites you to register for its fall Encore 55+ classes, with virtual and in-person options. Courses include a variety of subjects, such as finance, fitness, history, literature, music, philosophy and science.

The online Encore On-the-Go series begins Sept. 20 with classes Tuesdays and Thursdays through Webex. The cost is $30 per course. Assistance is available for using Webex, including practice sessions.

In-person Encore Campus Fridays begin Sept. 23 at the Eastern, Western and Westshore campuses. The cost is $99 for up to six courses at a single campus, or $30 per course.

The Neighborhood Scholars program offers tours of local places of worship, the Cleveland Public Library and The Keithley Collection at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Most offerings in this program are one-day events, with fees starting at $14.

For registration and full course listings, contact or 216-987-2274.

Learn grassroots of grazing: The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District invites you to a pasture management workshop from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 10 at Connor Farms, 17037 Claridon-Troy Road in Burton.

The unique pasture walk will explore animal nutrition, rotational grazing, and pasture and hay management. It features Ohio Department of Agriculture speakers Bob Hendershot and Martin Joyce, a panel discussion with local herdsmen and a lunch of grass-fed beef burgers from the farm.

The cost to attend is $10. Space is limited. Contact or call 440-834-1122.

To post your news and events in the Chagrin Valley, contact Rusek at

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