
2022-07-30 09:52:38 By : Ms. Elsa Chan

It's time for The Mailbag, presented by Whitney McNutt of Tommy Morgan Inc. Realtors, Edition 191.

I asked for your questions. You delivered. So here we go...

Overall, I think the NCAA is toothless and just doesn't want to fight this fight anymore. But I'll take a shot at your questions.

1. I suspect they'll avoid LOIC due to their "cooperation." Remember, the NCAA accused Ole Miss of being adversarial.

2. If I'm Tennessee, I'm giving Pruitt his money and having him go away.

3. Probably under, but I'll be shocked if he coaches college football again.

4. From everything I hear, Pruitt isn't the guy to do the tell-all and blow it up. He's friends with all of those guys.

5. I anticipate a financial penalty directed at the institution. The networks don't want to lose teams like Tennessee for bowl games. As for NIL limitations, good luck with that. Lawyers would line up to fight that.

No, not necessarily. I just think Freeze wants/wanted to be more than a football coach. I don't think he liked the concept of it being a scoreboard business. I think he liked the idea of being a role model.

I haven't put a ton of thought into this, but it's a fun question.

Alabama -- Boston Red Sox

Mississippi State -- Pittsburgh Pirates

Ole Miss -- Toronto Blue Jays

Texas A&M -- New York Mets

I can honestly and thankfully say I know nothing about OnlyFans. I've heard horror stories, but again thankfully, that's not my cup of proverbial tea. I'd guess no, but again, I'm just not all that educated regarding how OnlyFans really works.

It was a group effort. And look, Freeze was one hell of a recruiter at Ole Miss. The rise and fall of Hugh Freeze, if done really well, would be one incredible book. (No, I'm never writing a book, but someone far more talented than I should think about digging in on that one.)

Curry would be my guy, but damn, that Smith cat is an amazing putter.

I highly recommend The Big Bam: The Life and Times of Babe Ruth by Leigh Montville. It's a spectacular book.

Ruth lived a crazy life shaped by his childhood. I, like you, believe his talents absolutely would've transferred to the modern era. Greatness -- and Ruth personified greatness -- just does that.

Look, this won't be popular, but Ole Miss was its own worst enemy during that investigation. Freeze did some really stupid stuff, and when the league tried to step in early and tell Ole Miss to either put Farrar on the field or remove him from the equation, Freeze doubled down. Could Sankey have done more? I mean, probably, but I blame Freeze and Ole Miss. Was the Mississippi State part of it all total BS? Yes. Should Sankey have stepped in there? Yes. However, if you told me by then he was so furious at Freeze for letting it get that far, I'd buy it. The tweet, the press release, the hostage video, all of it... Just really remarkably idiotic.

It's the same. Really good football coach, innovative offensive mind, massive ego, human foibles...

Again, The Rise and Fall of Hugh Freeze at Ole Miss would be a superb read.

I'm an Occam's razor guy. Her plane crashed. She died. Perhaps she was tortured. We'll likely never know.

It appears her bones have likely been found. It's likely her plane has been found as well.

Of course, not everyone agrees. Quite the mystery.

They're similar. Both were/are smart, thoughtful, decisive and didn't/don't care what people really think of them. Sankey is more powerful than he gets credit for. Slive would've handled NIL and all other changes with aplomb. He was a brilliant leader.

I suspect you're joking, but I'll play along with a serious answer, not that anyone cares the slightest bit about my eating or drinking habits.

I have discovered that I can handle a beer or two and I can handle a glass of wine, but bourbon or spirits get to me quite quickly. It's a trade I'm willing to make if I can get weight off and keep it off. My guess is, in the event you're being serious, you drank on an empty stomach and paid for it. I drink much less now than I did prior to starting this approach to eating.

I'd love to attend that wedding. My God, it has chaos written all over it. Everyone is going to be angry. The families are already pissed. Pour it into my veins.

As for my puppet, I want to have this guy ready to go. There's eventually going to be a divorce attorney, so why not bring him -- in puppet form -- to the wedding.

It absolutely helped him. It didn't hurt Jenni Carlson, either. He defended his player. She didn't back down. It was actually a pretty good lesson moment for journalists and coaches. It's not always peaches, nor should it be.

I don't know that I'm the person to answer that. At the risk of upsetting some here, I don't really keep up with the university on any level at all. I cover its sports teams and that's the extent of it.

Boyce's predecessor was horrific at his job, and I feel comfortable saying that out loud and without any sort of personal animus. I do think Boyce is a more effective leader, one who is more concerned with results than appearances. I have heard enrollment is up and the incoming freshman class is quite large. Those would be signs of strong leadership and good decision-making, at least in my opinion.

But again, I can't pretend to be all-knowing on the goings-on at the UM. I tell people this all the time and I think they don't really believe me, but with each passing year, I become more and more of a stranger here and that certainly applies to the university. Unless it is to go to football practice or games, I rarely set foot on campus.

That crisis has been averted at this point, just FYI. And I think at this point, one must give the benefit of the doubt to Kiffin and Co. They've recruited well enough. They've gone heavy portal, and it appears that's a wise course of action. As for the rankings and such, I just don't pay a lot of attention to that stuff. That's probably not something I should say out loud, but I really don't.

It's a scoreboard business. You either win or you lose. At this point, Kiffin is winning much more than he's losing. He's proven adept at building a roster and maximizing the personnel he has on hand.

You should eat something before you drink this much. Look, I think 10-2 is the absolute ceiling, and that feels like a reach. There is a ton to replace from last season, including quarterback, coordinators, Sam Williams, both starting linebackers and more. I can get Ole Miss to 9-3, though 8-4 feels like a safer bet. But 11-1? That's either beating Alabama and going 2-1 at three tough places to play or that's winning in Baton Rouge, College Station AND Fayetteville. I just don't see that happening.

I'm not sure. Much will go to facilities, to expanding staff, to people managing NIL, etc. Also, one has to at least consider the possibility players will be employees by then and some of the extra money will go to them via salary.

I think that's the approach being used now. Kiffin seems much more focused on team building than program building, and I don't say that as a criticism. With the new rules in place, he's likely a bit of a trail blazer in that regard.

I'm not sure I completely understand your question. Most people on the beat are "outsiders," so I don't know that I'm treated in any different way. For the overwhelming most part, everyone I deal with at Ole Miss is professional and cordial to me. I feel I return that favor and have a perfectly fine relationship with the university.

I would've probably enjoyed a give-and-take with Vitter during his time at Ole Miss, but that's not really my job. I would've loved to have talked to him on the record regarding his handling of Kennedy and Luke, but that wasn't particularly realistic.