888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 10 PM ET
TAMPA, Fla. , July 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ - Primo Water Corporation (NYSE: PRMW) (TSX: PRMW) ("Primo"), a leading provider of sustainable drinking water solutions in North America and Europe, today announced it has completed its previously announced exit from its business in Russia . Primo had a small presence in Russia , with 2021 revenues of approximately $14 million , representing less than 1% of 2021 consolidated revenues, and adjusted EBITDA of approximately $3 million , representing less than 1% of 2021 consolidated adjusted EBITDA.
Primo Water Corporation is a leading pure-play water solutions provider in North America and Europe and generates approximately $2.1 billion in annual revenue. Primo operates largely under a recurring razor/razorblade revenue model. The razor in Primo's revenue model is its industry leading line-up of sleek and innovative water dispensers, which are sold through retailers and online at various price points. The dispensers help increase household penetration which drives recurring purchases of Primo's razorblade offering. Primo's razorblade offering is comprised of Water Direct, Water Exchange, and Water Refill. Through its Water Direct business, Primo delivers sustainable hydration solutions across its 22-country footprint direct to the customer's door, whether at home or to businesses. Through its Water Exchange and Water Refill businesses, Primo offers pre-filled and reusable containers at over 13,000 locations and water refill units at approximately 22,000 locations, respectively. Primo also offers water filtration units across its 21-country footprint representing a top five position.
Primo's water solutions expand consumer access to purified, spring, and mineral water to promote a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle while simultaneously reducing plastic waste and pollution. Primo is committed to its water stewardship standards and is proud to partner with the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) in North America as well as with Watercoolers Europe (WE), which ensure strict adherence to safety, quality, sanitation and regulatory standards for the benefit of consumer protection.
Primo is headquartered in Tampa, Florida (USA). For more information, visit www.primowatercorp.com.
Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 9 PM ET