Canadian thrashers Razor have come and gone and now they’re on their way back to the mainstream with their first new studio recordings in more than 20 years. As the release for Cycle of Contempt approaches later this month, the band put out a new single dubbed “A Bitter Pill.”
As you’ll hear as soon as you hit play on the video below, this song is old school thrash as fuck. It hits hard and doesn’t stop hitting until you’ve endured two minutes and 48 seconds of in-your-face metal energy.
“A Bitter Pill” is the band’s second single off the forthcoming record. Last month we got our first taste of Cycle of Contempt with “Flames of Hatred.” At the time, Razor founder and guitarist Dave Carlo said he wanted the new music to be relatable. “I tried to write songs that everybody could listen to and say, ‘Yeah, I know a guy who’s done that to me or done this, or I know that situation. I can relate to that.’ And I didn’t want to make everything specifically about me because when you do that, you exclude people. I wanted to include everyone that’s ever felt pissed off about anything.”
“I tried to write songs that everybody could listen to and say, ‘Yeah, I know a guy who’s done that to me or done this, or I know that situation. I can relate to that.’ And I didn’t want to make everything specifically about me because when you do that, you exclude people. I wanted to include everyone that’s ever felt pissed off about anything.”
Cycle of Contempt will be available on September 23, though preorders for various formats of the album can be found via Relapse Records.
Razor, Cycle of Contempt Flames of HatredJabroniOff My MedsA Bitter PillCrossedFirst Rate HateCycle of ContemptPunch Your Face InAll Fist FightingDarkness FallsKing Shit
Razor are also slated for a small number of shows in the near future. Catch them live at the following dates:
Fri, Nov 4 – with Whiplash and special guests The Underworld – London NW1 0NE, United Kingdom Sat, Nov 5 – Abyss Festival – Sweden Gothenburg Film Studios – Gothenburg, Sweden
Not a lot of insides are actually shown in the video.
The song has the entire album before it, though.
Along with the new video is a chance to buy In Flames branded hot sauce.
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