This winter, with the pandemic on the wane, we decided to drive south to California.
When contemplating my retirement a couple of years back, one of the things my husband was most excited about was having more time to take road trips. I would smile when he said that, arranging my face in the same rictus of support that greets his suggestion of adding black beans to almost any meal.
“I love that idea,” was my response before changing the subject.
I am 62 years old and have managed to largely avoid long drives in the car. When the boys were little and the three of us had to motor just seven hours to British Columbia to holiday with my parents at the family time share, I was known to stop and overnight midway.
“My car is too small and yours smells like a dog,” was my response if a friend suggested a road trip. It seemed like the future was always the best place for a prolonged car ride.
This winter, however, excuses ran out. With the pandemic on the wane and nothing but time on our hands, we decided to drive south to California. We made it from Edmonton to Calgary without incident, with me proudly driving exactly half the distance for an impressive total of 90 minutes. Thereafter, the road trip roadblocks quickly became a pileup.
Driving on the highway is my biggest issue with road trips. For one thing, it’s often windy on the Prairies, with actual tumbleweeds rolling across the road in southern Alberta. (Can a farmhouse be far behind?) Secondly, there are transport trucks. (I retain virtually nothing of high school physics, except the terrifying Bernoulli Principle. Look it up.)
My husband is a trooper under these trying circumstances, offering to do all the driving. But if there’s anything less palatable to me than driving, it’s navigating.
“Pinch out, pinch out,” says my husband as I frantically poke the map function of the phone screen.
“Which way is south?” is my inevitable response.
Also, the food is bad on road trips. Snacks that seemed like a good idea when packing the cooler, such as bananas, quickly emit noxious fumes. Even the good snacks, like chips, break down over time.
Given that I’ve set the scene for an excruciating few days between home and the San Francisco Bay area, you might suggest airplanes are custom-made for people like me.
But here’s the thing. While the drive south was nerve-racking, by the time we headed back north a couple of months later there had been a change. My knuckles were a little less white during my shift. I was able to listen to a podcast or plunge my hand into a bag of peanut butter cups without fear of distraction from my razor-focus on the road.
It’s hard to say what precipitated the shift. Perhaps it was the mere fact of surviving the first half of the journey. Or maybe it was because we were on our way home, with every mile on the odometer bringing me closer to the comfort of my own bed.
But actually, I think it was the Kanab Creek Bakery, a French patisserie and café located in southern Utah. Like many of life’s good things, the café was unexpected — a buttery slice of Paris tucked amid the red rock that heralded our upcoming arrival at the stunning Zion Canyon.
Parking in nearby Springdale, we took the tram into the canyon on a warm spring day. There must have been a school holiday, because children peppered the hiking trails — riding on their fathers’ shoulders, hand-in-hand with grandparents. It reminded me of hiking along mountain trails in the Kootenays with my children and parents all those years ago. The sky was a bright, cloudless blue, meeting the sheer rock face that soared upward from the canyon floor in a breathtaking Mother Nature moment.
After that, the hours in the car passed in quiet calm punctuated by a final stop at Trader Joe’s in Salt Lake City — have I mentioned my fondness for peanut butter cups? — and a last overnight stay at Butte, Montana. There, in the breakfast area of the hotel, we met a delightful family with three children five and under and a fourth on the way. The three-year old regaled us with stories, including the time her parents accidentally ran her over with a golf cart (no harm done, and a great anecdote for strangers in hotel lobbies.)
Crossing the border into Canada at Carway, I found myself the tiniest bit sad the road trip was nearly over.
As I took my last turn at the wheel, the wind on the highway was barely perceptible. Even the transport trucks seemed smaller.
The road trip was growing on me.
— Liane Faulder writes the National Post‘s Life in the 60s column.
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